How to increase potency in natural ways?

Today the situation is that a lot of middle-aged and often young men suffer from some kind of potency disorder. Afraid of seeing a doctor, men increasingly turn to synthetic drugs to increase potency, forgetting about natural remedies to improve erectile function. Synthetic products have only one significant plus: they increase potency immediately. For example, the famous Viagra starts working half an hour after taking it and stays in effect for 5 hours.

Improving potency in a natural way implies not only actions aimed at improving sexual function, but also healing of the whole organ, a condition that directly affects a man's sexual function.

Potency problems can be temporary, when erectile dysfunction is observed in the short term and permanent, when erectile dysfunction is present for a long time. If such a problem has arisen, before going to the doctor, you can try to solve it yourself, following some tips for maintaining male health.

Increase potency by natural methods

  1. Nutrition plays an important role in the functioning of the entire organism. Food should be full of nutrients necessary for the body, especially vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, in which mainly zinc, selenium, vitamins E, C, and B vitamins. must meet the daily requirement for these substances.
  2. Special exercises to increase potency to increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs and train the muscles - postpartum muscles. These exercises do not take much time and give noticeable results after the first week of practice.
  3. Sexual function and libido are directly related to levels of the male sex hormone testosterone. Low levels of testosterone in the male body are responsible for decreased potency and sexual ability. This is especially true for middle-aged and older men, whose testosterone levels begin to gradually decline (about 1-1. 5% per year after age 25).
  4. obesity as a cause of poor potency how to increase naturally
  5. Excess weight in men is the worst enemy of strength. The fact is that being overweight not only lowers testosterone levels but also increases estrogen levels - the female sex hormone, excess levels not only lead to erectile dysfunction but also impair the general health of men. In addition, excess weight also leads to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, these are also serious factors that reduce potency and threaten health. To diagnose overweight, it is necessary to measure a man's waist circumference - 94 cm or more indicates obesity.
  6. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drug use. The fact that bad habits are the worst enemy of potency has long been proven by doctors. Just getting rid of bad habits can significantly improve male sexual function.
  7. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to reduced potency. It was found that representatives of sedentary occupations tended to have a more pronounced potency disorder than representatives of occupations involving physical activity. So, another effective way to increase potency is physical activity and active sports. However, if work requires you to sit around the clock, then Kegel exercises, aimed at training the pubococcygeus muscle, will help to remedy the situation. The advantage of this exercise is that you don't have to get up from work to complete it.
  8. Often problems with erectile function arise on the basis of psychological experience. This can be the result of unsuccessful intercourse, lack of confidence in one's sexuality, etc. v. In any case, you need to get rid of sexual complexes, if not on your own, then seek the help of doctors - sex therapists or psychotherapists.
  9. stress as a cause of poor potency how to increase naturally
  10. Avoid stress, lingering depression and anxiety. When the body is subjected to any experience, sexual function is inhibited. It is due to the ancient mechanism of fertilization, the nature of which is that offspring are born under the most favorable conditions.
  11. Get enough sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Sleep must take place under optimal conditions in complete darkness and silence.

The issue of potency increase must be approached holistically, the effectiveness of treatment will be much higher.